
Best website to track watched movies & shows

Photo by Julian O’hayon on Unsplash

I already use AniList to track my anime watching and I’m very happy with it. This time I wanted something similar for shows (and movies). These were my requirements:

  • The profile page looks modern and displays entries as grid
  • I can add movies and shows, and filter them separately
  • I can review entire shows, even if unfinished

And thus I started my experiment.


An IMDB profile looks like this.

  • ❌ Old clunky design
  • ❌ Mixes movies and shows

Rotten Tomatoes

A Rotten Tomatoes profile looks like this.

  • ✅ Automatically separates movies from shows
  • ❌ I have to score each season independently (very cumbersome)
  • ❌ The profile design is bad (hard to skim, small covers, doesn’t display as grid)


Given their website UI/UX, didn’t even try it.

Trakt 🏆

A Trakt profile looks like this.

  • ✅ I can review shows all together or by season (even if I didn’t finish it)
  • ✅ Modern design, specially the profile
  • ✅ I can track movies and shows together
  • ❌ If I don’t score it, it doesn’t appear in my profile
  • ❌ Although the UI looks modern, it’s not always the most intuitive


Out of the four websites reviewed, and given my evaluation criteria, Trakt was the winner. These are my lists of watched movies and shows. I’ve been using Trakt for three months and I’m happy with my choice.