
I regret hesitating

Courage, the Cowardly Dog (© Cartoon Network)
Courage, the Cowardly Dog (© Cartoon Network)

I regret nothing I did. I regret everything I didn’t do.


Don’t put a ring on her


Boy meets girl, boy loves girl, boy asks girl in marriage, girl expects a little box with a fancy ring.


A friend instead of a pet

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It all started when I found a cat in my closet


Get together, Get efficient

get efficient


Residential areas called suburbs are built around cities’ borders. Likewise, industrial areas and offices where pushed even farther and are usually built in the middle of nowhere, since those lands are cheaper. The average family’s quality of life improved substantially (not much in these last years) and each family now owns a house and at least one car.


Everyone lives away from work and everyday there’s an exodus of people from home to work and back again. The total costs of commuting are huge and diverse (e.g. time, energy, quality of life, productivity, sustainability).


Portugal na vanguarda da democracia do século XXI

Foto tirada na estação de Alcântara, vale a pena ir ver.
]1 Foto tirada na estação de Alcântara, vale a pena ir ver.

É sobre colocar a tecnologia ao serviço das pessoas, dos portugueses, da democracia que vos venho falar hoje. Antes de mais há 40 anos deram-nos a democracia e a liberdade. Podemos estar descontentes com o rumo que a democracia tomou, mas todos devemos estar eternamente gratos a quem lutou e morreu para que hoje tivéssemos essa liberdade. Muito obrigado. Ofereceram-nos uma ferramenta – a democracia – mas não nos disseram como usá-la. Não é perfeita, há maneiras de a aperfeiçoar.