
Cypress: PageObjects vs AppActions

Photo by Jason Dent on Unsplash

I use Selenium to write most of my automated checks, and the PageObjects pattern is a must. My current team is using Cypress and, to my surprise, this test framework recommends AppActions instead of PageObjects. So I decided to benchmark both patterns using the following criteria:

  • Can it abstract page selectors?
  • Can it abstract page actions?
  • Is it easy to write and maintain those abstractions?
  • Is it easy to write tests?

A) PageObjects

A page looks like this…


// Here you list the page selectors that you are currently using
const cssSearchBar = ".locationsContainer"
const cssSearchField = ".select2-dropdown .select2-search__field"
const cssSearchResults = ".select2-results__options"
const cssSearchResultRow = ".select2-results__option"
const cssFoundAdsTotal = ".offers-index > strong"

// Each "page object" is a function with the name of the page
export function searchBuyFlatPage() {

  // Read routes config files
  return cy.fixture(ConfigHelper.getRoutesPath()).then(routes => {
    return {

      // Each page action is another function
      visit() {

      // and so on...
      previewSearch(text) {

      getAutocompleteHints() {
        return cy.get(searchResults)

A test looks like this…


import { searchBuyFlatPage } from "../../pages/searchBuyFlatPage"

let keywords
before(() => {
  cy.fixture(ConfigHelper.getKeywordsPath()).then(c => {
    keywords = c

describe("Autocomplete", function() {
  it("displays results at different hierarchical levels", function() {

    // there's no page constructor, you just call a function with the name of the page, and then...
    searchBuyFlatPage().then(page => {

      // you use "page" to call actions

      // and again, and so on

      page.getAutocompleteHints().should("contain", keywords.locationWithMultipleHierarchy)
      page.getAutocompleteHints().should("contain", `(${keywords.hierarchyLevel2})`)
      page.getAutocompleteHints().should("contain", `(${keywords.hierarchyLevel3})`)

B) AppActions

An app action looks like this…


Cypress.Commands.add("searchFlatForBuy", searchTerm => {

  const cssSearchBar = ".locationsContainer" // code duplication of selectors (A)
  const cssSearchField = ".select2-dropdown .select2-search__field"
  const cssAutocompleteHints = ".select2-results__options"

  cy.fixture(ConfigHelper.getRoutesPath()).then(routes => { // code duplication of fixture loading (B)
  return cy.get(cssAutocompleteHints).as("result")

Cypress.Commands.add("searchFlatForBuyUsingTree", () => {

  const cssSearchBar = ".locationsContainer" // code duplication of selectors (A)
  const cssAutocompleteHintRow = ".select2-results__option"

  cy.fixture(ConfigHelper.getRoutesPath()).then(routes => { // code duplication of fixture loading (B)

  cy.fixture(ConfigHelper.getFixturesPath()).then(fixtures => {
    const hierarchyLevels = fixtures.locations.hierarchyLevels

    for (let i = 0; i < hierarchyLevels; i++) {

A test looks like this…


import { ConfigHelper } from "../../support/utils/configHelper"

let keywords
before(() => {
  cy.fixture(ConfigHelper.getKeywordsPath()).then(c => {
    keywords = c

describe("Autocomplete", function() {
  it("displays results at different hierarchical levels", function() {
    // calls page action
    // and then asserts
    cy.get("@autocompleteHints").should("contain", keywords.locationWithMultipleHierarchy)
    cy.get("@autocompleteHints").should("contain", `(${keywords.hierarchyLevel2})`)
    cy.get("@autocompleteHints").should("contain", `(${keywords.hierarchyLevel3})`)


Can it abstract page selectors?

  • PageObjects
    • ✅ Encapsulated and reused inside each PageObject
  • AppActions
    • ❌ Either duplicated selectors on each AppAction or long enumeration on commands.js

Can it abstract page actions?

  • PageObjects
    • ✅ Encapsulated inside each PageObject
    • ✅ Intuitive usage: homepage.searchAds("Lisbon")
  • AppActions
    • ✅ Encapsulated inside each AppAction
    • ⚠️ Not so intuitive usage: cy.searchAds("Lisbon") → everything is cy.*

Is it easy to maintain pages?

  • PageObjects
    • ✅ Each page has a single file, named accordingly
    • ⚠️ Some UI changes will fail tests until the affected PageObjects are updated
  • AppActions
    • ❌ Pages are used ad hoc inside actions; you might need to “Find/Replace” changes to a page
    • ❌ Fixtures load is duplicated on each command

Is it easy to write tests?

  • PageObjects
    • ✅ IDE will autocomplete page actions
    • ✅ If pages and their actions are modular enough, tests are quite easy to write and understand
  • AppActions
    • ❌ o IDE autocomplete, you need to skim the existing custom commands.js and decide which one works for you
    • ❌ There might be a tendency to reinvent the wheel, because actions are blackboxes of functionality. Some devs might breakdown that functionality differently, which might lead to slightly diff duplicates of a single AppAction.
    • ⚠️ This syntax is more oriented for E2E, if you use it to write UI tests you will have a hard time – since you only care about user actions and not the underlying pages.


  • IDE Autocomplete issue
    • This dependency did make IDE autocomplete work for custom commands
    • Based on this comment it seems like we need to write commands in TypeScript to have autocompletion
  • Selector issue
    • You can extract all selectors to a single selectors.js file and then… import {searchBar} from './common-selectors' (source)