
Infrastructure testing (Ruby): InSpec + Azure

Infra testing is mostly uncharted territory


Mindfulness, a rope only you can climb

Photo by Valentin Lacoste on Unsplash

I hit the bottom. Again.

My existencial dread dragged me down hard. It wasn’t this bad since 2014. In the last month I had one big panic attack and half a dozen smaller anxiety spikes. Maybe I’ll talk about it in another post.

Apparently the only “medicine” is learning and practicing mindfulness, so my therapist recommended the book “Mindfulness: An Eight-Week Plan for Finding Peace in a Frantic World”.

The book has two theory chapters and I found so many “that’s how I feel!” moments that I decided to share this summary. If you are struggling with similar issues, give that book a try. I’ve highlighted my issues ⚠️ and my coping mechanisms ✅.


Asserting text using Cypress

Photo by Sunyu on Unsplash
Photo by Sunyu on Unsplash

Cypress: PageObjects using inheritance


  • Your web site is deployed on several countries. The behaviour of the page you want to test (e.g. sign up) is mostly the same across countries, however some business rules change per country.
  • You are using the PageObjects pattern to encapsulate the details of each page. You want to avoid duplicated code.

Pipeline triggering pipeline on GitLab

Usually when configuring a GitLab pipeline (.gitlab-ci.yml) you only care about steps in your own pipeline. Sometimes however, you may want to trigger other pipelines (of other repositories) as a step of your own pipeline.