
Conclusions after 6 months of blogging


Thanks to Google Analytics I can compare several metrics about my website before and after blogging. Here are my findings.

I started blogging on the 1st of January 2014, so this comparison will focus on (Jan 1 – 31 May, 2014) vs. (Jan 1 – 31 May, 2013).

  • A blog gets you new visitors, but it needs time to build an audience.

The number of unique visitors I had in these first six months increased 17.8% to 1,638 visitors. That may not seem much but if this growth maintains I’ll end the year with a total of 3,276 visitors, which is 1000 more visitors than last year. Even better, I managed to increase the percentage of returning visitors from 17% to 34%. Thank you, come again.

  • Different social networks give you different types of visitors.

When I publish a blog post I share it (automatically) on Facebook, Twitter and (manually) Google Plus. During these months 55% of my visitors reached my blog by clicking on a link posted on a social network. And guess what, Google Plus brought me 763 visitors almost the double of Facebook! Another curious thing was that Google+ visitors spend on average a total of two minutes on each page, which is 30 seconds more than a average Facebook visitor. That just confirms what I told you previously: Google+ users care more about the content you post.

  • Your visitors need your help, not your opinions.

This is another confirmation. Posts with tutorials, tips, reviews and solutions got me the highest number of views; posts about personal thoughts or experiences the lowest. Visitors will find your blog by searching for a solution to their problems, so make sure your posts are solving someone else’s problem. Even before I had a blog, JCDP’s official page was the best evangelist of my website. All I had to do was spend 1 month developing an open-source Java library and share on Stack Overflow. JCDP currently is the keyword that most people search to find my website; the second is diogo nunes, which is my name, and the website’s name. That says a lot.

  • Focus on writing interesting and useful content. Visitors will follow.

I spent two weeks writing a Rails vs Django vs Play framework review. It took me twice the effort and yielded me thrice the reward! I published that review on the last days of May and in just one week it had more views than posts with five months of accumulated views. Another champion of views is [how to set up a Rails environment; again two weeks, again useful problem-solving content. Your effort is always rewarded.

  • Internationalize to broaden your audience.

In the past I blogged in Portuguese about Portuguese stuff. Today I write tutorials and share my thoughts in English. My Brazilian visitors dropped 70%, however all other nationalities increased: British (+365%), German and French (+165%), and American (+110%)! So while I managed to maintain my Portuguese audience, the Brazilian audience was replaced for the American as the second highest audience on my website.

  • It’s increasingly important that your website displays well on mobile devices.

In the end of 2012 the first mobile pageviews started to appear on my website. Over the last six months I went from serving 200 pages to mobile devices to 760 (+278%). More often that not your audience will read your content on the go, so make sure your blog displays correctly on tablets and even smartphones, i.e. use a responsive theme.


I really have to thank you for your views, comments and positive feedback. Just a final curiosity 8th search term used to find my website is adoro estar contigo (“I love being with you”) which links to a poem I wrote. Thank you for being with me :)

5 replies on “Conclusions after 6 months of blogging”

Hey. Great blog post. I learnt alot and can use a few leasons. But I have questions.
1. What keywords ring up for your Blog?
2. What strategies did you put in place to get results for 1. and 5.
3. I have more questions. When can we talk and where?

Thanks, glad I could help
1. Top3 keywords: jcdp, diogo nunes, rails vs django
2. For (1) I started sharing posts on Google Plus. My reach on G+ is much wider (due to followers) than on Facebook (only close friends). And for (5) I just decided to write posts in English.
3. By email: [email protected]

Your second and third conclusions are really great. You get different visitors from different social media but the mistake you make is that you deal with them in a same way and that is why fail to convert all of them.
Secondly people visit a blog to get help and not the opinion but nowadays every second blogger is just expressing opinion and not giving proper help to solve a problem.
Thanks a lot for sharing this wonderful post.

Hey Diogo, well if you were going to get me interested it was with statistics because if anybody has been following my blog for long they’ll know I love to create monthly stats. I would happen to agree with your first commentator, some graphs wouldn’t go amiss, give us some eye candy! :)

Your stats are impressive, in fact I am rather envious. I learnt a bit late that I really should have been posting more frequently in the early days but I’m starting to make up for it now. Google+ is great for getting people looking at content and I find your information particular interesting because you are not a North American blogger and yet, like me, you receive large amounts of North American traffic.

Thanks for sharing!
