
Using Bootstrap Switch 3 on Rails

bootstrap switch 3 demo examples

Replace Bootstrap’s checkboxes and radio buttons by an elegant switch… a Bootstrap Switch.

I’m a great fan of Twitter’s Bootstrap. Recently I had to develop a settings page which involved displaying a lot of Yes/No checkboxes. It looked outdated. I wanted something a bit more “app-like” – a Yes/No switch. However Bootstrap does not include one, so I found an open-source bootstrap-themed switch. The contributors are amazing: I use Bootstrap Switch since version 2 and when Bootstrap 3 came out I requested a visual update so that the switch looked coherent with Bootstrap 3 – a couple of weeks later my request was fulfilled!

How can you use this Bootstrap Switch with Ruby on Rails? Well it was not that simple so here goes how I managed to make it work. By the way, using Bootstrap Switch 3 does not force you to use version 3 of Twitter Bootstrap; I tested it with Bootstrap 2 and it worked perfectly.

Set up

  • Add gem 'bootstrap-switch-rails', '~> 3.0.0' to your Gemfile
  • Add //= require bootstrap-switch to /assets/javascripts/application.js
  • Add *= require bootstrap3-switch to /assets/stylesheets/application.css

If you use SASS, add @import "bootstrap3-switch"; to the top of your css file that contains your custom css styles (mine is app/assets/stylesheets/custom.css.scss)

Use it

Every view (*.html.erb) that has a Bootstrap Switch needs a bit of Javascript for the switch to work. Since you want the switch to display correctly as soon as the webpage is loaded, I recommend that you put the JS code on the page’s header (instead of the footer, as I usually do with JS code that runs on background). The Rails code for that:

<% content_for :head do %>
  <script type="text/javascript">
  $(document).ready(function() {
<% end %>

Notice that $('input:checkbox').bootstrapSwitch(); will affect ALL checkboxes on that page. If you want more control you can specify the checkbox id, like so $("[name='my-checkbox-id']").bootstrapSwitch();. Don’t forget to add that same id to your checkbox.

To display the switch on a form together associated with a field just:

<%= f.label :field_name, "Field Description" %>
<%= f.check_box :field_name %>

That will display the default switch. If you want to customize the switch you just need to edit the second line. For instance, I wanted to display a Yes/No switch, with the Yes option on green (Bootstrap’s success class), and a bit smaller than the default size. The code for that customization is below:

<%= f.check_box :field_name,
    :data => { :size=>'small', 'on-color'=>'success', 'on-text'=>'YES', 'off-text'=>'NO' } %>

Examples here, and interactive examples here.

Don’t forget to thank the developers by giving the project a star on github ;)